Camp 28 Iron Ring Registration

Registration is now open for the March 28th ceremony. Registration at the door will not be accepted.

Step 1: Read the Following Information Closely

  • The Iron Ring Ceremony is a professional event, please arrive early to pick up your ring and wear business casual attire.
  • Obligants must be present for the entire ceremony to receive their ring and will not be permitted to enter once the ceremony starts.
  • Obligants and guests are invited to an optional reception afterwards.
  • Payment is due at the time of registration.

Step 2: Make the Registration Payment

Fees for the ring and the ceremony are $45 for the obligant and $20 for each guest. The registration fee must be paid by PayPal or Interac e-Transfer before filling out the registration form below:

PayPal link: 

Interac E-transfer to

Please ensure this email matches the email used for payment.
You are encouraged to attend the group ring sizing, but if you cannot attend please get your ring sized at a jeweller (pinky finger of your working hand) and submit the size above.
The Iron Ring Ceremony is open to the public and is not restricted to engineers. Family and friends are welcome.
Please note - if you do not check all four required boxes above, you cannot be registered for the Camp 28 Iron Ring Ceremony. Please contact us for further clarification.